RO Atelier’s
women circles

Tarot reading ~ spiritual practices ~ magick rituals ~ circle sharing ~ soundscapes, music, dance ~ embracing our wild wise essence ~ diving into the high priestess archetype ~ tapping into the zodiacs archetypes  

Aug~Dec 2023


~Wednesday Aug 16th New moon in Leo
from 18.45-20.45
~Sunday Sept 17th New Moon in Virgo
from 17-20.30
~Saturday October 14th New moon in Libra
From 17-20.30
~Sunday November 12th New Moon in Scorpio
from 17-20.30
~Tuesday December 12th New Moon in Sagittarious
from 17-20.30

Dear Woman

Maiden ~ Mother ~ Crone

I am so happy to announce these New Moon circles I will be hosting along with inspiring women sharing their wisdom. You included.

Starting on August 16th under the new moon in Leo I am inviting women to co-create magic circles together to explore our inner nature, share stories, learn and practice magick, and tune inwards to look, awaken and empower our inner Goddesses.

These spaces are sacred and open to all women, all kind, all backgrounds and ages. With no prior experience.

We gather every new moon from august onwards until Dec. Circles will have a special surprise inspiring woman sharing her powers and practice with us.


Limited availability for 11 women each time.

Hosted at Shamballa Space by Shamballa Jewels on Ny Østergade 7.

Suggested Donation Based of 222kr. Please pay with you feel worth and what you can in the moment. You secure your spot by mobile paying.

Write me an email here to book your space.

The tickets are non refundable and you cannot change the date(s) to another event/session, but you are welcome to pass it on if you are unable to participate. If you pass on your ticket of this event let us know in advance by sending an email to

We reserve the right to cancel the reservation and to deny entry to anyone. Should the event be cancelled all payments will be refunded back to the participant.

Your use of these sessions indicates your understanding of the following: The information and resources contained on these workshops are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any medical and/or mental health disease or condition. The use of these sessions does not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship. Furthermore, the offerings obtained from it should not be considered a substitute for a thorough medical and/or mental health evaluation by an appropriately credentialed and licensed professional.
